June 30, 2012
June 29, 2012
Keira Knightly Milkmaid Braid
My hair is at a super awkward stage of life, as I am trying to decide to chop it into a pixie again or grow it. So I got really excited when I came across pictures of this gorgeous milkmaid updo. My hair is totally long enough for that! Super duper easy, and really cute! It can be altered slightly to work for almost all lengths of hair, and would be a fabulous second day hair style.
June 28, 2012
Jane's Obsession.
Ok, so I have many obsessions.
This is just today's.
He lead the Transcendentalist movement in America and wrote lots of essays and poems that are KICK BUTT.
Let me put a few quotes down to show you:
"We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds."
"We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds."
"Character is higher than intellect. Thinking is the function. Living is the functionary."
"There is some awe mixed with the joy of our surprise, when this poet, who lived in some past world, two or three hundred years ago, says that which lies close to my own soul..."
"Man hopes. Genius creates. To create,--to create,--is the proof of a divine presence. Whatever talents may be, if the man create not, the pure efflux of the Deity is not his:--cinders and smoke, there may be, but not yet flame."
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.”
"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
If anyone were to get me a book of his essays for Christmas or something...I would not mind at all.
A joke for you
How did the hipster burn his mouth?
He drank his coffee before it was cool
Bahahaha. you're welcome.
A Reading Picnic
This is what I am planning on doing today since I have the day off of work. I have old favorites I want to revisit and new ones that I can't wait to discover. The difficult decision I have is deciding which book to read, but in the end it won't matter because I'll be heaven no matter what. Here's to an elementary day read-o-thon. Well, I'm off to enjoy my happiness.
{Image via Pinterest}
June 27, 2012
Nifty Little Things: CHI Silk Infusion
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CHI Silk Infusion |
This is my favorite hair product of all time! My hair is naturally curly and I strongly dislike it, so my hair is no stranger to the flat iron and hair damage. But this product has made all the difference!
The Benefits:
- Protects your hair from heat damage.
- The smell is unbelievable. No joke, people have caught me smelling my hair after using this product.
- You hair is incredibly soft after using.
- It creates that silky shine that every girl loves without making the hair look greasy.
- Reduces the frizz!
- Don't use too much (a dime size will do) or else your hair will look greasy.
- It's a little pricey but it actually works and it is worth the little extra.
I use CHI Silk Infusion anytime I apply heat to my hair. Even if I use heat products on my hair twice a day (like a blow dryer and a flat iron) I use it both times. The 2nd time is a little less, but doing that insures protection. I recommend this to anyone who is looking to have their hair be healthier this summer and the seasons that follow.
Dirty Little Secret
I have a confession to make. I own a pair of crocs. they look like this
And...I love them.. So comfy. I wear them around the house all the time and sometimes... in public.
don't judge me.
June 26, 2012
I once saw this in my institute class and I have loved it ever since. I strive to be like this man and live an optimistic life. It's a little long, but it's worth the watch.
You all have AMAZING cheekbones.
June 23, 2012
The Sister Date.
Today I was bored. And so was Emmie, my sister. We were pinteresting and found this recipe.
"Oreo cheesecake cupcakes?!?!" We said. "Heck yes!!"
So we embarked to Ridley's to get oreos and then got started!
The Process:
(From the top left): Oreos in the base of cupcake liners. MOUNDS of cream cheese. Adding sour cream. Mixing them together. The oh-so-important sugar. Can't forget the salt! Eggs. REAL vanilla. Oreos in the blender. Blended oreos. Putting the cupcakes in the oven. Side photo of finished process.
The sisters:
(From the top right down): Me, in all my glory, struggling with the mixer. Emmie, dumping mounds of cream cheese in the bowl. Emmie, mixing the oreo bits in. The popcorn we ate as we waited for them to cook. Eric, Lucy, Petey and Emmie, watching Phineas and Ferb while we waited some more.
(Middle): Me and Emmie, after consuming the cupcakes. Happy happy girls are we!
Of course, we didn't do this alone. As I mentioned, I was having issues with the mixer...so we recruited our Dad to assist us in the matter. Aren't dads wonderful? I say yes.
But try these. They are wonderful.
Off to watch Ramona and Beezus with Em.
Bake on, my friends.
Adventure Apparel.
ONE. The Outfit. top: Khols, Belt: thrifted. Skirt: Down East Basics Shoes: Keds
TWO. The Girl. Out for a ride on a beautiful sunny afternoon.
THREE. The Bike. oh how I adore my little blue cruiser.
FOUR. The Trail. It was perfect.
June 22, 2012
June 21, 2012
Guardian Angel?
Ok. Confession.
I'm a little bit of a spaz.
Sometimes...a lot of the time...this comes out when I drive. Penelope fears for her life occasionally.
I promise I'm not bad. I just tend to get distracted by shiny things. And then over correct or something. But I never do anything blatantly dangerous. Really.
So many times I swear I could have gotten into a car accident, but I think I have a special guardian angel watching out for me once I insert my key into the ignition.
For example. Today I was driving to the library (aka my favorite place in the whole entire world) and was turning right onto a street. The sun was setting and I couldn't make out much of what was coming from the left, but I noticed a car from the right was about to turn left so I assumed no one was coming and just went. But I was wrong. A car was coming, and speeding no less, and I almost got in a wreck which would have been my fault. I just couldn't see it because the sun was in my eyes.
I felt very protected.
Thank you Guardian Angel.
I'm a little bit of a spaz.
Sometimes...a lot of the time...this comes out when I drive. Penelope fears for her life occasionally.
I promise I'm not bad. I just tend to get distracted by shiny things. And then over correct or something. But I never do anything blatantly dangerous. Really.
So many times I swear I could have gotten into a car accident, but I think I have a special guardian angel watching out for me once I insert my key into the ignition.
For example. Today I was driving to the library (aka my favorite place in the whole entire world) and was turning right onto a street. The sun was setting and I couldn't make out much of what was coming from the left, but I noticed a car from the right was about to turn left so I assumed no one was coming and just went. But I was wrong. A car was coming, and speeding no less, and I almost got in a wreck which would have been my fault. I just couldn't see it because the sun was in my eyes.
I felt very protected.
Thank you Guardian Angel.
June 20, 2012
June 19, 2012
I like to define myself as a creative person.
but some days I feel like that is a lie.
That is one of the purposes of this blog actually.
To use that right side of my brain that doesn't get out as much as I would like.
I found this video this week and I think it is beautiful
Creating is part of being human.
No matter what medium we choose
It makes us happy.
Improve-Beautify-Extend-Smile-Cultivate-Develop- Create
Create something beautiful today.
Not just friends, BEST friends
Jane came to church with me on Sunday and she drew my future and it made me laugh. I love it with all my heart and it makes me smile because it is so random. I love it though. It's as cute as a button.
And sometimes you have days that are just a hole in the mud. I was texting Penelope and this is what she replies with. She comes over with brownies and we talk and she gives me the advice that I need.
No kidding. I really think that I have the best friends in the whole world.
"Best Friends are hard to find because the best ones are already mine."
True Story
This is how I feel every time I walk into a library.
Good thing I love this song. And the library.
Read on, my friends.
Good thing I love this song. And the library.
Read on, my friends.
June 18, 2012
Brave: A movie review.
I went to an early showing of Disney and Pixars Brave on Wednesday.
It was a way cute show. I loved the short at the beginning, and the movie itself definitely had it's moments.
It was very funny, however it was fairly predictable. Ok it's a fairy tale so we are all supposed to know how it ends anyway I guess.
All in All, Cutes show, and Merida's hair is fabulous. Really. there should be a fan club.
Check it out! it comes to theaters this Friday
June 17, 2012
Welcome Home Pioneer Brother
My brother has been gone for the past 3 days because he went on the pioneer trek and yesterday he came home! Welcome Home Brother!
The Pictures:
- Blake and me
- The sign of time of arrival for the buses
- I got a little bored so I took a picture of my feet (we were 1/2 an hour early).
- The arrival of the buses!
- Blake getting off the bus. Welcome Home!
- Everyone getting their stuff. It was just a little crowded.
Happy Sunday. Carry on, carry on, carry on!
June 16, 2012
Thrifty Nifty Find
Sometimes I go to Savers.
Sometimes it's awesome.
Sometimes it's not.
When I went yesterday, it would be of the former. I was looking for a hoodie to do a little DIY. I didn't find such a hoodie, but I found an awesome sweatshirt instead!!
Disregard the awkward garbage can and bike in the background. I didn't realize they were there and I am too lazy to go retake pictures. So deal. Also, the awkward unphotogenicness that is me...
Just pay attention to the sweater. Which I adore.
Anyways, thrift on, my friends.
(P.S. Don't worry. I WILL find a hoodie worthy of a DIY. Along with many more things.)
Sometimes it's awesome.
Sometimes it's not.
When I went yesterday, it would be of the former. I was looking for a hoodie to do a little DIY. I didn't find such a hoodie, but I found an awesome sweatshirt instead!!
Sweatshirt: Thrifted. Shorts: Charlotte Russe. Awkwardness: my own. |
Really, what's with my arms? |
Just pay attention to the sweater. Which I adore.
Anyways, thrift on, my friends.
(P.S. Don't worry. I WILL find a hoodie worthy of a DIY. Along with many more things.)
June 15, 2012
Some Days We End Up Like This
Call us crazy, but we decided to do a photo shoot of our friendship and these are the results. We have way too much fun together but who said that was a bad thing? And Penelope and Jane are just as cute as the bees knees. I am so lucky to have these women as my best friends because they bring out the best in me.
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