July 9, 2012


why yes. I do live under a rock thanks for asking. it's quite cozy. 

I don't really know what instagram is... and twitter kinda blows my mind. #idontunderstand #whattheheck #thesesymbolsmean.

Basically when people try to explain instagram to me all I get out of it is you take lots of pictures and post them on the internet. 

So here is your very own version of what I think it is. In other words here are a bunch of my favorite really random pics from this last week. enjoy.

Ps. Our blog is at a kinda awkward stage of life. Sorry, The posts will be random and the layout strange for a bit. No worries it will get over itself soon.

1 comment:

  1. i think life might have been a little bit better before instagram.

    remember when we used to just EAT and not take pictures first?!


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